domingo, septiembre 27, 2009

50 años del primer transplante renal

Como transplantado de riñon, he tenido siempre la curiosidad de saber cuando fue el primer transplante. Scientific American como la revista regular mas vieja de USA, publica todos los meses los titulares de hace 50 años, 100 años y 150 años. En todas las ocasiones resulta sorprendente, en esta ocasion ademas resuelve mi curiosidad:

Scientific American
FOUNDER OF KIDNEY TRANSPLANTS— “Identical-twin grafts have demonstrated that where an immunological barrier does not exist kidneys can be successfully transplanted to cure otherwise incurable kid­-ney and vascular disease. We transplanted a kidney from a healthy man to his criti­cally uremic brother. Though the men were probably not identical twins, we hoped that their relationship might make for some immunologic compatibility. The recipient was given a total dose of X-rays large enough to depress his reticuloendothelial tissues severely. As the patient’s reticuloendothelial system recovers from the radiation, it may be forced to become familiarized with the antigens and the transplanted kidney. It is as yet too early to evaluate the results of this transplant, but initially it appears to be successful. —John P. Merrill
Espero que les fuera bien, tanto al transplantado, como al donante. Desde luego el metodo de bajar las defensas, es bastante mas agresivo que el actual.

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